THE TALK. The ‘how’s’, ‘why’s’ and WHEN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

I want to address something that's been on my mind lately. CONTEXT. Please refer to blog for information regarding this blog and my dating life. post Something weird happened with Henry last night. We had a lovely time out in the city at a show and shared one to many G&T’s at a place … Continue reading THE TALK. The ‘how’s’, ‘why’s’ and WHEN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Pass me the oils, would you dear.

Patrick came over tonight. He came. twice. He took me out to this great little restaurant/bar near my house before we had hot sex. And I mean hot! Are you ready? So, I love roleplay. I always have. LOADS of people think that people only do roleplay when “they are bored and need something to … Continue reading Pass me the oils, would you dear.

“Let it be” Introducing Bach 1, 2 and 3.

For context - please read: Another dating blog? *yawn* NO! Stop and listen people Now, I would say I’m currently ‘seeing’, ‘dating’, ‘tuning’ (take your pick! Semantics pfft) three beautiful men. Each with their own qualities. I like them all equally and enjoy spending time with each of them. I’ve always thought of myself as monogamous however … Continue reading “Let it be” Introducing Bach 1, 2 and 3.