“Let it be” Introducing Bach 1, 2 and 3.

For context – please read: Another dating blog? *yawn* NO! Stop and listen people

Now, I would say I’m currently ‘seeing’, ‘dating’, ‘tuning’ (take your pick! Semantics pfft) three beautiful men. Each with their own qualities. I like them all equally and enjoy spending time with each of them. I’ve always thought of myself as monogamous however with this new life motto “let it be” I’m enjoying just allowing myself to feel what I feel; when I feel it; for whom I feel it. I’m also not a serial dater. So this is weird for me too! 😳


*drum roll*

Introducing…. The bachelors 😉



and Patrick

Let’s break this down.

Funny Man Henry

I started chatting to Henry on tinder before Christmas, 2017. He was funny, a little quirky and had a real grinner. He was super busy over the Christmas season, so we didn’t have time to meet until the new year. We exchanged fun messages where we would ask each other questions, like “pizza or burger”, “how you would describe yourself in a 3 course meal” etc. He was fun to text but NEVER flirty. I don’t know. It was weird. My friends thought it was him being cautious. I just found it strange and led me to question our chemistry. I tried very hard to be flirty, but he just wasn’t ‘picking up what I was putting down’. When we did finally meet in January, it was lovely. The banter was unreal and I walked away from the date feeling quietly confident and kiss-less (YES, he did reject my kiss. Well more that I would have kissed him HAD the opportunity arose but he just awkward-friend-hugged me) *MEH* :\

We texted sporadically for a week and he FINALLY asked me out on a second date. NOW IT GETS INTERESTING. We did an escape room and went bowling! SECOND DATE – can you believe it? It was great. He came out of his shell loads and was in a much more natural state. We shared a cute kiss in the escape room – I initiated it. His breath was a bit smelly and he tasted sweaty but I think he was just nervous / taken back that I had randomly kissed him…. OH LOL, joys of dating.


We hung out again at my house, “netflix and chill” style but without the sex part of chill. We kissed, snuggled and both realised, yes – we did have chemistry. hoorrrahhhh

Later that week, he was drunk texting me. Cute, I know. I was drunk at an engagement and he was drunk at a party – the perfect combination… righttttt???? I was so close to his house so why wouldn’t I uber over to his at 5AM?! Righhtttt. Seriously *face palm* 🙄 😛

I came over and it was cute. We went to sleep, had some FUN. AKA he went down on me, I went down on him. He came, I didn’t. He was fantastic down there though! He knew exactly how a girl wanted to be touched. He actually told me he read a book about it! “she comes first”

MEN. TAKE NOTE. READ THIS SHIT – “she comes first” – Ian Kerner. Had I been less tired – I would have had an orgasm.


The whole thing surprised me because honestly, I wasn’t sure if he was:

  1. Interested in me
  2. Experienced in the bed room

Ladies, he was very (a) and (b). holy fuck me balls.

It was great.

Chemistry √

Banter √

Funny scale /10 – 10 (laughter is important to me).

I’m unsure about his maturity and commitment to self-growth, health etc. I get the vibe that he enjoys 4 or 20 beers and passing out on the couch with a hat full of bile and sweaty balls. Yum. After my last relationship, I know that a commitment to health and balance, positive lifestyle choice is a must-have.

Anyways – fast forward 2 days because literally that’s how long we could both wait without seeing each other…. he came over for his first sleepover. “Who brought the face mask- Am I right?” I cooked Vietnamese for him, we watched Netflix and we made out and banged in my room. He is not a marathon runner (he even admitted this the first time). But I did come, 1 and a quarter times (he thinks twice… I know! I still lie about this). He has a nice cock and he loves my body. I think he said I was “sooo sexxxyyy” 8+ times. I mean I’m not complaining :D. Sometimes with Henry it feels like I’m in high school making out on the bed with not enough tongue and bad breath but other times it feels very intimate and intense. Have a felt butterflies yet? No. But I am also the kind of girl who takes a while to feel butterflies.

Inconclusion so far; It feels very real with Henry. Like I could see this going somewhere MAYBE. Not sure if the head space is right for me yet. It just feels natural and he makes me laugh so freaking much. Since Jed (my ex before my most recent ex. My ex-ex?) I know that laughter in relationships is so important. I am just not sure on his lifestyle and whether we would “mesh” well together regarding our interests. I also like him because we have the same initials. Imagine our wedding? ****&*** awwwwhhhh (HEY. None of that – I told you I was going to be anonymous! 😉)

Powerful Cane

Okay so Cane. My sexy ginger man. Really, there is not a lot to say just yet. I’ve only been out with him twice and he is currently overseas for work.


I like him because:

  1. He has his shit sorted.
  2. He is not a shit.
  3. He is well spoken.
  4. We have similar values.


  • Because he has two houses and a well-paying job in marketing and development.
  • He seems genuine and is very likable.
  • He has a nice voice and is super articulate. SO ATTRACTIVE. Holy crab sticks on my dick.
  • Lifestyle, health, balance etc. Exactly what I am trying to see in Henry.

We met on bumble. Went on one date on a Tuesday night, had dinner, a great kiss and that was it! I called my friend Julian and Beth and said *quote* that “I had almost met my soul mate – he was close”. I know. Deep breaths. He messaged me the next day and said he wanted to see me before he left for overseas at the end of the week. I love how assertive he is! He takes control and is not afraid to put himself out there. We went on a cute picnic and talked each other’s ear off. We have a deep connection and enjoy challenging each other. Peerrrffeccttt.

I liked him a lot.

But this was 3 weeks ago. He is overseas for a month and whilst we have been talking, it’s been difficult with the time difference. He sent me a whatsapp voice message kind of re-iterating how he felt about me. I am looking forward to seeing him when he returns but at the same time that this has been happening, I’ve been getting close to Henry soooo iii dunnnooooo. We will see.

Inconclusion: I like him. chemistry + enjoy each other’s company = perfect recipe for dating.

Hot-Sexy-Ethnic-Man-with-Curvy-Penis- Patrick

Do I get brownie points for the title? Seriously.

Really, to be honest. I should be talking about Patrick first. I’ve known him the longest, one year! But only met him before Christmas. He is a sexy ethnic man with a gorgeous curvy penis. From the very beginning (again, this is just after I broke up with Jason so I just wanted something casual) I was very clear with him, friends with benefits, let’s not complicate things, KISS etc. He thought this was “fucking awesome”.


When I first met him, I had a visual orgasm. You know? When you see a super-hot person, and can’t stop looking at them/kind of want to go inside and sit on their face and also just stare at them, hold their face in your hands and just scream to the heavenly of holy gods, “THANK YOU”!! No? just me. OKAY. 😎

He was gorgeous. We didn’t sleep together the first night (even though it was silently inferred) because he maybe had a “bump” on his willy that he wanted to check it out. It was literally just dry skin. Regardless, we hung out a couple more times and had great sex. Since then, there has been a few outings. He took me to a nice Japanese joint. We are friends and we probably have some feelings for each other but neither of us are going to say anything because it’s not what we want with each other. We both have different values and want different things. He has also basically never had a girlfriend so I’m not too confident about his emotional intimacy sooo.

But we GET ALONG. Soooooo well. I can call him about anything. We just talk!!! He makes me laugh, but not like Henry makes me laugh. And we have deep conversations, but not like the ones I have with Cane. He’s a friend.

Inconclusion: His penis feels great in my box.  XD I like him because his face is sexy, he is smart and he is fun to be around. It’s not forever and I don’t seriously see myself committing to him but there is a certain familiarity with Patrick that I don’t have with the other two (aka he reminds me of my ex boyfriends which is probably not a great thing).

Let’s see where this takes me…

Ps. My next blog post is going to be about my experience with ghosting. I would love to hear your experiences?!



  1. http://www.picturequotes.com/keep-calm-and-let-it-be-quote-54339
  2. https://datenightcincinnati.com/nky-cincinnati-bowling-date-spots/
  3. https://www.amazon.com/She-Comes-First-Thinking-Pleasuring/dp/0060538260
  4. https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/ginger.html
  5. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3td3ot

5 thoughts on ““Let it be” Introducing Bach 1, 2 and 3.

    1. Jade thank you so much! It’s so important that we are honest and real with our lives. It’s also so important we don’t take life too seriously 😎 life is too damn short


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