Um, where did your balls go?     

Henry makes me laugh. So hard. He is absolutely hilarious and silly, and it makes being with him so easy. We had some great lovin” tonight. I did reverse cowgirl for the first time in a while, his penis fits like a glove. Anyhow, I did notice that his balls kind of invert/retract inwards when they are hard…. Hmm

Ok ok ok ok.

Let me explain.

So, his balls go ROCK SOLID when he has an erection. And they are very ‘perky’. Mmm if only my titties were perky like his balls. Am I comparing my boobs to his balls? OKAY NEXT. Anyways, I was playing with his balls while blowing him and one of his testicles popped up and inwards into his groin area.. 😮


We spoke about it after and he said it was normal and didn’t hurt etc… SO WEIRD but also kinda cool…  It seriously felt like his balls were at the base of his penis. Like I could feel the bump and it would freely move around. Haha holy shit. Human anatomy is crazy.

I think it’s called retractile testicles? Is this normal?

We did a cute breakfast at a local joint in the morning. He made me laugh. He has a party tomorrow and I’m scared he is going to hook up with someone wahhhh. CAN YOU SMELL THE IRONY. Double standards, I know. But I think I really do like him and want him to like me. He does like me, or at least likes my body, but I also don’t want a relationship right now. Oh shit, “Let it be” woman! refer to:   for context on my dating life.

He’s gorgeous. He looked so handsome sleeping this morning and he loves a cuddle. What a great combination?

I’m spending the day with my good friend Julianne today. We are having a Zen day with face masks, dog cuddles, healthy alcohol (aka G&T with cucumber) and self-love podcasts <3. We listened to a podcast about “Four Valuable Life Lessons from Mary Poppins” by Untame the Wild Soul I have listed 5 because I think 1 and 2 can be broken down. If you haven’t heard of this awesome chick – download her on stickler, UNTAME THE WILD SOUL.


  1. MAKE UNDESIRABLE THINGS FUN: because life is too damn short, “in every job that needs to be done, there is fun in every, one”. Remember in the movie when Mary Poppins makes the kids clean up whilst singing and everything just floats, and she fucking owns that room like the awesome power bomb she is.
  2. WELL BEGAN IS HALF DONE: how you begin something will determine how it results. EG, start your day positive; be fucking positive; pat a dog; wear something sexy for YOU. I only wear lacy underwear because “I” love the way it makes my bum look and feel.
  3. CLEAR ON VALUES AND WORTH: Mary Poppins has crystal clear values and makes no exceptions for ANYONE. This is something I need to work on. Know what you expect from others and what your values are.
  4. LAUGHTER BRINGS POSITIVE ENERGY: Please laugh, a lot 🙂
  5. A FATHER CAN ALWAYS USE A BIT OF HELP: Look after the men in your life. Be compassionate and ask them, “ARE YOU OKAY?”. We must remember, at the end of the day, Men are three times more likely to commit suicide than females.

Listen to the podcast – it’s great.

BYE xo